*** NEWS ***

latest update:
a gobo's life
page 54
AGL updates
around the first
of each month.

page 54 - epilogue: wrapping up loose ends (15.feb.2012)
happy 4th birthday, AGL! here's the last chapter cover to celebrate.
if you compare this one to the very first page of this comic, you can clearly see it's come a long way. so practise does help, who would've thought...
the drawing still isn't anywhere near perfect of course, but it's great to see it improve with every panel i draw.
by the way, if there's any question regarding characters or story of AGL you'd like answered in the last few pages, now's the time to post it in the comments.
regular updates will (hopefully) resume on march 1st.

other news and stuff:
snowboarding/skiing is fun, even at -20 degrees. and look, i didn't break anything! again! :-)

movie review(s):
underworld - awakening: wtf, i just paid 9 eur for 80 minutes of crappy movie of which the first 10 were the summary of part 1 and 2, and which basically ended with t.b.c.?! makes me want to dl movies illegally just for spite. 1.5 out of 5 hybrids.